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WBPicture0000012168DescriptionFigure 4. Expression of ELP-1 in adult cells and tissues. (A-D) DIC micrographs were overlaid with fluorescent images to show expression of ELP- 1delta::NLS::GFP in body wall muscle (A, arrow), vulva muscle cells (B, thick arrow) and the filamentous spermathecal valve (B, thin arrow), hypodermal seam cells (C, thin arrows), intestines (D, thick arrow), and tail neurons (D, thin arrow). Panels E and F show ELP- 1delta::NLS::GFP expression in all six touch receptor neurons (ALML and R; PLML and R; AVM and PVM). Intestinal nuclei are visible in this plane of focus (asterisk). In panel G, ELP-1::GFP protein is shown in the ciliated endings of a group of head neurons that are identified in Panels J-L. In addition, ELP-1::GFP is prominently expressed in all nine mechanoreceptor ray neurons of the male tail (Panel H, arrows). DIC images are shown as insets. The yellow and orange fluorescence in the male tail is autofluorescence. In Panels J-L, the head neurons in Panel G are identified as the IL1 neurons. DiD-filled IL2 cells (J, L) are located anterior to ELP-1::GFP expressing neurons (K, L). Bars represent 10 um.
Anatomy (14)
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