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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000011968

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WBPicture0000011968DescriptionCeVPS-32 protein localizes to endosomes and is enriched in epithelial cellsConfocal images of anti-CeVPS-32 antibody staining in embryos at 50 cells (A), 500 cells (B), at the beginning of morphogenesis (C, F), during elongation (D, E) and in the adult pharynx (G). All images are an internal view, except (E) which corresponds to the epidermis. At all stages CeVPS-32 is both vesicular and cytosolic. CeVPS-32 is ubiquitously expressed, and, during organogenesis, CeVPS-32 vesicles are enriched in epithelial cells in the intestine (in), the pharynx (ph) (C, D) and the epidermis (E). The size of the CeVPS-32-positive vesicles is smaller during organogenesis than in early embryogenesis (arrows in A', B' and C'). The partial co-localization with the endosomal marker CeVPS-27::GFP indicates that CeVPS-32 localizes to endosomes (arrows in H). Epithelial expression is maintained in larvae and adults (G). The strong loss of signal in Cevps-32(RNAi) embryos indicates that the anti-CeVPS-32 antibody is specific (F). The efficiency of inactivation of Cevps-32 by RNAi was quantified by Western blotting (I). CeVPS-32 expression level in Cevps-32(RNAi) is reduced by 88% compared with the wild-type (WT) after normalization with the AJM-1 signal. The epithelial apical junctions are visualized with the monoclonal antibody MH27 which recognizes the protein AJM-1 (C-G). In (H), CeVPS-27::GFP is visualized with the monoclonal anti-GFP antibody. Scale bars: 10 μm (A-H) and 2 μm for (A'-C').
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