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WBPicture0000011753DescriptionFigure 4. LIN-14 expression analysis. Animals were co-immunostained with antibodies to the common domain of the nuclear LIN-14 proteins (shown) as well as the monoclonal antibody MH27 (data not shown) to outline hypo- dermal cells for developmental stage determination. (A) LIN-14 expression is reduced in the LIN-14B null mutant lin-14(n360) by the mid-L1 stage, but the level of LIN-14 expression can be in- creased to almost wild-type levels in the double mutant lin-4(e912); lin-14(n360). (B) LIN-14A temporal misexpression is not maintained in lin-4(e912); lin-14(n360) animals. LIN-14 is barely detectable in a wild-type L2 stage animal (Ruvkun and Giusto 1989) although a lin-4(e912) L2 stage animal shows a high level of LIN-14 accumulation. lin-4(e912); lin-14(n360) animals accumulate slightly more LIN-14 than wild type but far less than lin-4(e912) alone.
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