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WBPicture0000011672DescriptionFig. 6. CYK-1 protein localizes to the leading edge of the cleavage furrow at a late stage in furrow ingression. Rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin applied to formaldehyde-fixed embryos was used to detect actin microfilaments, rabbit polyclonal antibodies were used for detecting CYK-1 protein, and DAPI was used for staining chromosomes in embryos undergoing cytokinesis.(A) Early in cytokinesis (left column) in wild-type embryos, actin microfilaments appear enriched in the cleavage furrow, but no CYK-1 is detectable. CYK-1 is detectable only later in cytokinesis (right column), as a ring at the leading edge of the cleavage furrow. The ring is visible as two points of staining in a confocal cross section through the center of the ring (middle panel of the second row from the top), and as a line in a section through the same embryo that passes along the top of the CYK-1 ring (rightmost panel of the second row from the top). The cytoplasmic 'dots' and the faint nuclear staining are not reproducible and are not specific for CYK-1 (see Materials and methods). (B) CYK-1 protein is associated with the plasma membrane at the site of polar body extrusion during meiosis (arrow), with DAPI staining showing the maternal chromosomes to the left (paternal pronucleus is to right). (C) CYK-1 is present as four foci of staining in the center of a cyk-1(or36) mutant embryo undergoing a second, tetrapolar attempt at cytokinesis, with DAPI staining showing the position of reforming nuclei.
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