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WBPicture0000010082DescriptionFigure 2. DPL-1 Is Expressed Broadly in Nuclei. (A) Western blot of wild-type and dpl-1(n3643) protein extracts with purified anti-DPL-1 antiserum.(B-E) Whole-mount staining with anti-DPL-1 antiserum. In (B), staining of a wild-type L2 larva is shown. P(3-8).p nuclei are indicated by arrowheads. In (C), DPL-1 expression in nuclei of P(3-8).p descendants (arrows) in a wild-type L4 larva is shown. (D) shows DPL-1 expression in immature germ nuclei and oocyte nuclei of a wild-type adult. (E) shows staining of a dpl-1(n3643) pretzel-stage embryo derived from a dpl-1(n3643)/+ mother. We recognized dpl-1(n3643) homozygotes as non-GFP progeny of dpl-1(n3643)/mIn1[dpy-10(e128) mIs14] mothers. mIs14, an integrated transgene linked to the chromosomal inversion mIn1, consists of a combination of GFP-expressing transgenes that allow mIs14-containing animals to be scored beginning at the 4-cell stage of embryogenesis (M. L. Edgley, J. K. Liu, D. L. Riddle, and A. Fire, personal communication). The scale bar in each panel represents 5 um.
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