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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000009727

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WBPicture0000009727DescriptionFigure 2. Expression of a lys-1::GFP Reporter Construct. (A-F) Adult transgenic worms carrying a lys-1::GFP reporter construct (strain IG36) were observed by (A and E) Nomarski or (B-D and F) fluorescence microscopy. (A and B) Worms showing expression of lys-1::GFP throughout the intestine. (C) A confocal image of the head of a worm showing lys-1::GFP in the IL1 and IL2 neurons (arrowheads) and the nerve ring (arrow). (D) Concentration of lys-1::GFP in vesicles in a single posterior intestinal cell. (E and F) A section of the intestine; the intestinal lumen is marked by an asterisk in (E). (F) lys-1::GFP-containing vesicles, shown in blue, are concentrated on the apical side of an intestinal cell. They are distinct from the auto-fluorescent vesicles shown in orange (F). Certain vesicles of the two classes are indicated with arrowheads and arrows.(G) LYS-1::GFP levels determined by Western blotting with an anti-GFP antibody in IG36 worms cultivated on E. coli OP50 or in contact with S. marcescens (Db11 or Db1140) for 24 hr or 48 hr, (upper panels) or in IG36 worms pretreated with lys-1 RNAi (lower panels). The samples are all exactly equivalent in terms of the amount of total worm extract loaded, but, in the lower panels, the signal has been amplified more than 5-fold relative to the upper panels to reveal the faint bands.
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