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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000009591

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WBPicture0000009591DescriptionFigure 3. egl-30 and egl-8 Expression Patterns. In (A), EGL-30::GFP was expressed in pharyngeal muscles (PHA, arrow), as well as in many neurons in the nerve ring (NR, arrow) and in ventral cord motorneurons (arrowheads, [B and C]). In adult animals, EGL-30::GFP was expressed in 30 ventral cord motor neurons. An EGL-8::GFP transcriptional fusion was expressed throughout the intestine (arrows, [D]), whereas a rescuing EGL-8::YFP minigene was localized to the posterior region of the intestine (INT, arrow, [E]) as well as expressed in many neurons in the head and tail (arrows) and the ventral nerve cord motor neurons (arrowheads, [E and F]). The EGL-8::YFP transgene was expressed in all VA, DA, VB, and DB neurons, as shown by double labeling with acr-2::snb-1/cfp (data not shown).
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