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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000009573

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WBPicture0000009573Description(A) GFP expression driven by the tax-2::GFP construct, which includes the upstream sequences and the first intron (see Figure 2c). Left-lateral view of a transgenic worm showing the GFP-expressing AWC, AFD, ASE, ASG, ASJ, ADE, and BAG neurons. The GFP-expressing ASK, ASI, and AWB neurons are out of this plane of focus. A construct that contained only the upstream sequences drove GFP expression in the neurons AWC, AFD, ASE, ASI, ADE, BAG, and occasionally ASK (data not shown). All constructs were expressed occasionally in the tail sensory neuron PQR; a phasmid neuron (PHA or PHB) was also seen rarely. Anterior is to the left, and dorsal is up.
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