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WBPicture0000009493DescriptionFigure 5. The Odr-10 Protein is Localized to the Sensory Cilia of the AWA Neurons. (A) Expression of the Odr-10 protein tagged with GFP (see Experimental Procedures). Strong GFP expression is seen at the tip of the nose, and faint expression is seen in the dendrites and cell bodies of the AWA neurons. Scale bar = 10 um.(B) Higher magnification view of the cilia of a transgenic animal expressing the Odr-10 protein tagged with GFP. The AWA cilia are identified by their characteristic branched pattern. Three dimensional images were acquired using wide-field fluorescence microscopy and constrained iterative deconvolution (Hiraoka et al. 1990). Scale bar = 10 um.(C) Schematic diagram of the sensory cilia of the AWA neurons. The image of the sensory cilia in (B) is shown. The solid and dashed lines represent the cilia of the two bilaterally symmetrical AWA neurons on the near and far sides of the animal, respectively.
Anatomy (2)
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