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WBPicture0000008817DescriptionFigure 8. PGP-2 is localized to the gut granule membrane. Anti-PGP-2 antibody staining of wild type (A and B) and pgp-2(kx48) (C and D) 1.5-fold-stage embryos. (E and H) Anti-PGP-2 and anti-GFP antibody staining of a GLO-1::GFP-expressing bean stage embryo. PGP-2 and GLO-1::GFP colocalized to the same intestinal organelles (white arrows). (I-P) Pretzel stage embryos carrying an extrachromosomal transgene containing the vha-6 promoter driving the expression of PGP-2::GFP in intestinal cells. (I-L) A PGP-2::GFP-expressing embryo showing colocalization (white arrows) of staining by anti-GFP and anti-FUS-1 antibodies at high magnification (boxed region of intestine marked in I). (M-P) High magnification of the intestine of a PGP-2::GFP-expressing embryo (boxed region in M). PGP-2::GFP marked vesicles (white arrows) contain birefringent material (pseudocolored red in O and P). A minor proportion of PGP-2::GFP is localized to the plasma membrane (white arrowhead in J and N). In A-H, I, and M intestinal cells are located between the black arrowheads. (Q-S) An intestinal cell in a pgp-2(kx48) adult expressing PGP-2::GFP under control of the vha-6 promoter. PGP-2::GFP is localized to membranes surrounding autofluorescent material visible in the rhodamine channel (white arrows).
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