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WBPicture0000008724DescriptionFigure 8. Immunofluorescence localization of UNC-98. (A-I) Localization in wild-type and in unc-98 mutants. Worms were fixed using a combination of methanol and paraformaldehyde and costained with rabbit antibodies to UNC-98 (EU131; A, D, and G) and rat antibodies to UNC-89 (EU133; B, E, and H). Images of body wall muscle were obtained with a confocal microscope. Merged images are presented in C, F, and I. In wild-type (A-C), UNC-98 colocalizes with UNC-89, a known component of the M-line region (Benian et al., 1996). Note the absence of UNC-98 staining in each unc-98 mutant (D-F and G-I). Also note the disorganization of the M-line region in these unc-98 mutant worms as revealed by staining with UNC-89 antibodies (E and H). Bar, 5 um. (J) Localization of UNC-98 in wild-type worms fixed with n-heptane. Note localization to the muscle cell nucleus (marked with an arrow) and M-lines in which structure was poorly maintained in this fixative. (K) Localization of UNC-98 in unc-98-rescued animals in which UNC-98 is expressed at higher than wild-type levels. unc-98(su130) animals carrying rol-6-marked transgenic arrays of the 8.1-kb Unc-98-rescuing fragment were fixed in methanol/paraformaldehyde (as for A-I), and stained with anti-UNC-98 antibodies. Note localization to what seem to be M-lines, dense bodies, and the nucleus (marked with an arrow). Bar, 5 um.
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