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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000008707

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WBPicture0000008707DescriptionFigure 5. Expression of ipp-5. Nomarski photomicrographs of a transgenic worm and their corresponding GFP fluorescence photomicrographs. The white arrowhead indicates position of the distal spermatheca, and the white arrow indicates the sheath. (A and B) A worm before ovulation. (C and D) A transgenic sy605 worm during ovulation. The arrowhead indicates the distal spermatheca enclosing two oocytes in a sy605 transgenic animal. Strong expression is detected in the distal spermatheca, whereas faint expression is detected in the sheath. Fertilized embryos are to the left, and oocytes lining up in the proximal gonad are to the right. Scale bar, 20 um.
AcknowledgmentTemplateWormBase thanks <Journal_URL> for permission to reproduce figures from this article <Article_URL>. Please note that this material may be protected by copyright. Reprinted from <Journal_URL>. Copyright (<Publication_year>) with permission from <Publisher_URL>.