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WBPicture0000008304DescriptionFigure 3. Cell-specific expression of Ce-cpi-2a:lacZ during C. elegans development. Lines of transgenic C. elegans carrying the cpi-2a:lacZ reporter gene were created as described under Experimental Procedures. The histochemical stain for beta-galactosidase produces insoluble products in nuclei transcribing the cpi-2a gene. In all transgenic lines, the expression of cpi-2a was observed in hypodermal, intestinal, and pharyngeal cells of a few cells of early stage embryo (arrows)(a), many cells in embryo of a later stage of development (arrow)(b); pretzel stage embryo (arrow)(c); pharyngeal (arrow) and intestinal cells (arrowhead) in larvae (d); and the pharyngeal muscle cell (arrowhead) in the anterior portion of an adult worm (e). Note that expression is also observed in the pharyngeal gland cells (arrow) and the hypodermal cells in the posterior region of an adult worm (arrow)(f). Transgenic C. elegans worms were photographed using Nomarski optics (magnification, x400).
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