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WBPicture0000007799DescriptionFigure 6. ABI-1 expression and motoneuron migration defects. (A-D) Expression pattern of ABI-1. (A) Head of a larva expressing pabi-1::gfp in the AIYL/R neurons. (B,C) Expression of ABI-1 detected by immunostaining with PAb-ABI-1. (B) Head of a wild-type animal showing ABI-1 expression in the nerve ring and in the cell bodies of the RMEL/R neurons (arrow). (C) Ventral surface of the midbody of an adult worm showing ABI-1 in the cell bodies of motoneurons (arrowheads), in addition to the longitudinal tracts of the ventral cord (VC) and the dorsal commissures (arrow). (D) Expression of ABI-1 in coelomocyte (CC). (E-H) Fluorescence micrographs showing wild-type (E) and abi-1(rnai) (F-H) animals. Ventral is down in all cases except H. (E) Wild-type animal with motoneuron cell bodies located ventrally and dorsal commissures extending to the dorsal cord. (F) abi-1(rnai) animal showing a truncated and misguided dorsal commissure (arrowhead), and a truncated dorsal commissure with anterior and posterior ectopic lateral branches (arrow). (G) Misrouting and branching of dorsal commissures (arrows). (H) Ventral view of the ventral cord of an abi-1(rnai) animal showing marked defasciculation (arrows). Scale bars: 50 μm.
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