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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000007561

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WBPicture0000007561DescriptionExpression pattern of sdf-9. (A) Expression of sdf-9p::GFP2 (pKOG9) in the head region of an L3 larva. The left-hand cell, which is in focus in this micrograph, is strongly fluorescent, while the right-hand cell, which is also strongly fluorescent, is out of focus. The arrows indicate short dendrite-like structures. (B) Expression of sdf-9p::GFP2 expression in the head region of an L1 larva. The right-hand cell that express the GFP fusion gene is indicated. The arrow shows the dendrite-like process, which extends to the tip of the head. The images in the right white boxes in (A) and (B) are magnified versions of those in the left white boxes, respectively. Scale bar: 10 um.
AcknowledgmentTemplateWormBase thanks <Journal_URL> for permission to reproduce figures from this article. Please note that this material may be protected by copyright. Reprinted from <Article_URL>. Copyright (<Publication_year>) with permission from <Publisher_URL>.