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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000007374

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WBPicture0000007374DescriptionFigure 6. fstr-1 is expressed in the intestine and three neurons. The figure shows the expression of a pfstr-1::mCherry promoter fusion in clk-1(-) mutants. The transgene is expressed in the intestine, especially in anterior cells, as well as in RIH and I1L/R neurons. Small arrows point to cell bodies of I1L/R neurons, with their characteristic processes visible; large arrows point to the cell body of the RIH neuron. The small panel shows a more detailed view of RIH neuron. Scale bar represents 20 um. We observed a similar, but fainter, mCherry distribution in a wild-type background (not shown).
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AcknowledgmentTemplateReprinted from <Journal_URL>, <Article_URL>. <Publisher_URL> <Publication_year>.