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WormBase Tree Display for Phenotype: WBPhenotype:0001559

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WBPhenotype:0001559DescriptionDauer stage animals exhibit variations in the quantity, structure or organization of the components of the sensilla situated laterally in the anterior (ADE) or the posterior (PDE) of the animal compared to control. In C. elegans, each of the 4 deirid sensilla (2ADE, 2 PDE) contains a pair of neurons with ciliated dendritic processes that lie in a channel formed by a socket cell and invaginated sheath cell. The cilia of the deirids terminate in the subcuticle and are not exposed to the outside; however occasionally take up FITC.Person_evidenceWBPerson2021
NamePrimary_namedauer deirid sensillum variant
Synonymdauer deirid sensillum abnormal