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WormBase Tree Display for Person: WBPerson3111

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Name Class

Standard_nameKevin Howe
Full_nameKevin L Howe
Also_known_asKL Howe
Kevin Howe
AddressStreet_addressEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory
European Bioinformatics Institute
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SD
CountryUnited Kingdom
InstitutionEuropean Bioinformatics Institute; Hinxton, United Kingdom; EMBL-EBI
Email (3)
Tracking (4)
CommentWormbase Team Leader - Kersey team: Non-vertebrate genomics
new HX lab PI
Old PI of HX lab
Lineage (2)
PublicationPaper (27)
Possibly_publishes_asHowe K
Howe Kevin
Howe KL