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WormBase Tree Display for Person: WBPerson1316

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Name Class

Standard_nameDiane Morton
Full_nameDiane Gail Morton
Also_known_asDG Morton
Diane G Morton
Dr. Diane Morton
AddressStreet_addressDepartment of Molecular Biology and Genetics
433 Biotechnology Building
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
CountryUnited States of America
InstitutionCornell University; Ithaca NY, United States of America
Tracking (4)
CommentI have been working in both labs. In early 2011, I began a temporary appointment as a research associate with Mike Goldberg (ends today)
Kenneth Kemphues (KK) Professor Emeritus of Molecular Biology and Genetics (no longer active in teaching or research)
LineageSupervised_byWBPerson314Postdoc01 JAN 1984 00:00:0001 JAN 1986 00:00:00
WBPerson698Postdoc01 JAN 1983 00:00:0001 JAN 1984 00:00:00
Worked_with (30)
PublicationPaper (30)
Possibly_publishes_asDG Morton
Diane Morton
Morton D
Morton DG
Morton Diance
Morton Diane G