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WormBase Tree Display for Paper: WBPaper00010217

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WBPaper00010217Name (2)
Reference (3)
AuthorGuillaume LettrePersonWBPerson2698
Ekaterini KritikouPersonWBPerson4543
Martin Jaeggi
Andrea CalixtoPersonWBPerson2335
Andrew FraserPersonWBPerson967
Julie AhringerPersonWBPerson8
Michael O HengartnerPersonWBPerson250
Ravi KamathPersonWBPerson303
Person (7)
Brief_citationGuillaume Lettre et al. (2002) East Coast Worm Meeting "Genome-wide RNAi screen for genes that control germ cell apoptosis in the ...."
Refers_toSpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans