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WormBase Tree Display for Interaction: WBInteraction000534947

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InteractorInteractor_overlapping_gene (3)
Interaction_summary"To validate the RNAi approach, we used mutants of three highly similar nuclear hormone receptor (NHR) paralogs, nhr-68, nhr-101, and nhr-114, which have identical regulatory interaction profiles in the GRN (Table S2). We crossed each mutation into reporter strains where GFP expression is driven by the acdh-1 promoter (Pacdh-1::GFP) or the acdh-2 promoter (Pacdh-2::GFP) and observed very similar effects as we did by RNAi - namely, decreased fluorescence of Pacdh-1::GFP and increased fluorescence of Pacdh2::GFP, in the intestine (Figure 2B)."
RemarkFigure 2B