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WormBase Tree Display for GO_term: GO:0052085

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Name Class

GO:0052085Namesuppression of host T-cell mediated immune response
DefinitionAny process in which a symbiont stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the T-cell mediated immune response of the host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction.
SynonymBroadnegative regulation by organism of T-cell mediated immune response of other organism involved in symbiotic interaction
Exactdown regulation by symbiont of host T-cell mediated immune response
down-regulation by symbiont of host T-cell mediated immune response
downregulation by symbiont of host T-cell mediated immune response
negative regulation by symbiont of host T-cell mediated immune response
suppression by symbiont of host T-cell mediated immune response
Narrowinhibition by symbiont of host T-cell mediated immune response
Attributes_ofIndexAncestor (21)
VersionGene Ontology releases/2023-11-15