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WormBase Tree Display for Feature_data: E03D2:Polysome

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Name Class

FeaturePolysome12864128991Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
19053190533Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
19054190575Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
19058190606Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
190611908821Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
190891908918Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
190901909316Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
190941909615Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)