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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr957

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Name Class

Expr957Expression_of (2)
Expression_dataAnatomy_term (22)
GO_term (2)
PatternGON-4::GFP was found in the nucleus. Furthermore, GON-4::GFP was found in the somatic gonadal precursor cells, Z1 and Z4, and their descendants from L1 until the early L3 stage. Expression was weak, but reproducible. During L4, GFP was observed in four nuclei of developing vulva, but not in other nongonadal cells. Intriguingly, GON-4::GFP was detected in a scattering of germ-line nuclei of rescued animals. In contrast to the somatic gonadal expression, which occurred during early gonadogenesis, germ-line expression started in the second half of L4 and continued in adulthood.
RemarkThis gon-4::GFP translational fusion rescues gon-4(q519) mutants to fertility when incorporated into the extrachromosomal array qEx453. Nine other rescuing lines also exhibited the same pattern. Preliminary results with polyclonal antibodies raised to the C-terminal portion of GON-4 are consistent with expression of GON-4 in the nuclei of dissected germ lines in mid- to late L4s and adults. These same antibodies have not proven useful with whole mounts of early larvae, which require a different protocol for antibody staining. Expression of the gon-4::GFP transgene was silenced in both somatic gonad and germ line.