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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr699

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Expr699Expression_of (2)
Anatomy_term (9)
TypeAntibodyBoth polyclonal and hybridoma cell supernatants were generated by immunizing rabbits and mouse with a bacterially expressed SKN-1-glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. The staining pattern reported was obtained with monoclonal cell supernatants from four different hybridoma lines and polyclonal antisera from two immunized rabbits.
PatternStaining is first detected after fertilization in both the oocyte and sperm pronuclei shortly before the first mitotic division. After the first cleavage, the nuclei of both AB and P1 blastomeres appear to contain equivalent levels of the protein. During the first embryonic cell cycle, the protein appears to accumulate to much higher levels in the nucleus of P1 than in the AB nucleus. As AB and P1 enter mitosis, the protein is distributed throughout the cytoplasm. After the nuclei of the AB daughters re-form, both appear to have equivalent levels of the protein and similarly with the P1 daughters but at a much higher level.. During the second cell cycle the level of the protein increases in the nuclei of both P1 daughters. Late in the cell cycle the level of protein begins to decrease in both P1 daughters and in both AB daughters and in many embryos the two AB daughters have no detectable protein. After the third cleavage (8-cell stage), there is no detectable protein in any of the AB granddaughters but staining is detected throughout the P1 granddaughters. By the 12-cell stage, there is no staining in any blastomere. Peak levels of SKN-1 detected at 4-cell stage in EMS and P2. Little or no expression are detected in ABa and ABp.
RemarkThis information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).