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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2832

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Name Class

Expr2832Expression_of (2)
Expression_dataLife_stage (6)
Subcellular_localizationExpressed in axons of the nerve ring.
PatternImmunolocalization analysis with a polyclonal antibody generated against the carboxyl terminus of EGL-30 generally revealed the areas with highest expression levels. Using an HRP-conjugated secondary antibody and a FITC-conjugated secondary antibody, high expression was observed in axons of the nerve ring. The FITC-conjugated antibody also indicated expression in pharyngeal muscle. Both secondary antibodies revealed expression in sperm, and the FITC-conjugated antibody consistently showed expression in the anal sphincter muscle.
Weak or occasional expression in other muscle-cell types, sperm, intestine, tonofilaments, and vulval cells indicates the possibility that EGL-30 might have an almost ubiquitous expression pattern.
RemarkNonspecific antibody staining was observed in intestinal nuclei using both secondary antibodies and is most likely due to cross-reactivity with an unrelated protein. Western analysis supports this hypothesis since the band that migrates at the position where EGL-30 migrates on an SDS/PAGE gel is present at almost equivalent intensities in protein extracts prepared from egl-30(ad805) mutants compared to wild-type extracts, but the levels of this band increase significantly after heat-shock induction of an egl-30 transgene. When egl-30 was overexpressed from an integrated array (syIs36), an increase in the intensity of staining was observed in the nerve ring and in pharyngeal muscle, but not in intestinal nuclei.