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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2668

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Name Class

Expr2668Expression_of (2)
Expression_dataLife_stage (9)
PatternTransgenic animals that express the gfp gene under control of 5 kb of upstream regulatory region from the unc-75 locus (punc-75::gfp) show expression in all neurons as well as in neurosecretory gland cells, but in no other tissue. Reporter gene expression can first be observed around the 300-cell stage when neurons are generated and expression is maintained throughout adulthood.
Remarkunc-75 mutant animals expressing an unc-75 cDNA under control of the unc-75 promoter are rescued for their locomotory defects, demonstrating that the 5' regulatory region of the gene contains all the elements required for unc-75 function.