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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2618

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Name Class

Expr2618Expression_of (2)
Expression_dataAnatomy_term (9)
Subcellular_localizationSince the nuclear localization signals were fused to CFP, the fluorescence of CFP seemed to be localized in the nuclei. YFP fluorescence is observed in the cytoplasm of the same cells.
PatternThe tail region of male animals injected with CeDOP2-YFP and cat-2-NLS-CFP were also examined. However, the fluorescence of CFP in adult male ray neurons was very strong and it was impossible to separate it from the fluorescence of YFP. The expression of YFP indicates that CeDOP2 is also expressed in the male tail region.
cat-2-NLS-CFP was observed in eight neurons in a hermaphrodite. They are CEP, ADE, and PDE neurons. CeDOP2-YFP was observed in several neurons around the nerve ring and the posterior side of the body. The merged image indicates that expression of CFP is seen only in the YFP-expressing neurons. These results show that CeDOP2 is expressed in all the dopaminergic neurons and some other neurons.
RemarkC.elegans were injected individually with CeDOP2-YFP or cat-2-NLS-CFP. The expression patterns in animals carrying CeDOP2-YFP or cat-2-NLS-CFP were not different from that of animals carrying both vectors, which indicates that the colocalizations are not artifacts resulting from the coinjection.