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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2319

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Name Class

Expr2319Expression_of (2)
Expression_dataGO_term (2)
Subcellular_localizationUNC-61 and non-muscle myosin II (NMY-II) prominently co-localize to the leading edge of the furrow. UNC-61 and NMY-II eventually also became localized to the midbody region. UNC-61 also co-localizes with actin in the cleavage furrow. Actin filaments began to aggregate at the cleavage furrow as cells underwent cytokinesis. Eventually, actin filaments concentrated at the boundary of two newly divided cells.
TypeAntibodyPolyclonal peptide rabbit antibody against C. elegans UNC-61. UNC-61: (acetyl-SDIEHKLQHLPPHQPC-amide).