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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2201

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Expr2201Expression_of (2)
Subcellular_localizationSYP-1 protein was observed along the length of synapsed chromosomes during meiotic prophase. Within the premeiotic region of the germ line, SYP-1 protein is not detectable on chromosomes. At or just prior to the beginning of the transition zone, a small number of nuclei are closely associated with one or two SYP-1 foci, while the majority of transition-zone nuclei exhibit several continuous tracks of SYP-1 staining that localize to a portion of the total DAPI-stained chromatin. In the pachytene region, nuclei exhibit highly ordered SYP-1 staining: Thick, continuous lines of SYP-1 lie at the interface between synapsed homologs along their full lengths. Finally, SYP-1 disassembles from the majority of the length of each chromosome pair by diakinesis, and is undetectable on chromosomes by the end of prophase.
TypeAntibodyTwo independent rabbit polyclonal anti-SYP-1 antibodies raised against N-terminal and C-terminal peptides.
PatternExpressed in germ-line cells.
RemarkAntibodies that recognize either the N or C terminus of SYP-1 do not detect SYP-1 protein on chromosomes in germ-line nuclei from syp-1(me17) mutants, further confirming the specificity of the antibody.
Expression pattern in other life stages or other tissues are not reported in this article.
Antibody_info (2)