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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr1096

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Name Class

Expr1096Expression_of (2)
Anatomy_term (14)
Subcellular_localizationLET-413 is always associated with membranes. LET-413::GFP was uniformly localized along the basolateral membrane, but was not detected in the apical membrane in any epithelial tissue. Within the limits of resolution of confocal microscopy, the apical-most boundary of the LET-413 expression domain in the epidermis and the pharynx appeared to partially overlap with adherens junctions.
Type (2)
PatternIn early embryos and until the lima bean stage, LET-413 was ubiquitously expressed. As development proceeds, expression became restricted to epithelial cells, and was stronger in the epidermis and the pharynx than in the intestine. Throughout larval development and in adults LET-413GFP was detected in epidermal seam cells, the pharynx, the rectum, the excretory pore, and more weakly in the intestine. Expression was also detected in epithelial tissues contributing to the reproductive system: the vulva, the uterus and the spermatheca. In addition to this epithelial expression, LET-413 was detected in the nerve ring.