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WormBase Tree Display for Construct: WBCnstr00020358

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Summary[Punc-70::UNC-70(1-1166)::TSMod::UNC-70(1167-2267)::unc-54 3'UTR]
Construction_summaryThe tension sensor, TSMod5, was inserted into UNC-70 between spectrin repeats 8 and 9, following residue 1166. This was accomplished with a four-way Gateway recombination strategy. The four entry clones contained (1) unc-70 promoter, (2) the N-terminal fragment of unc-70 (encoding residues 1-1166), (3) TSMod and (4) the carboxy-terminal fragment of unc-70(encoding residues 1167-2267) fused to the unc-54 3'UTR. The fragments were amplified by PCR using primers 1-8 (Supplementary Table 2) and combined with the appropriate DONR vector in a standard BP reaction, yielding four Entry clones:pENTR Punc-70, pENTR ATG-R8, pENTR TSMod and pENTRR9-TAA. These clones were combined in a standard LR reaction overnight with pDEST14 (Invitrogen), yielding the assembled construct Punc-70::UNC-70(1-1166)::TSMod::UNC-70(1167-2267)::unc-54 3'UTR, which was verified by sequencing.