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WormBase Tree Display for Construct: WBCnstr00010315

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Construction_summaryThis fusion construct was generated by using a 1.7-kbp fragment of the mtl-1 gene that is immediately upstream from the initiator ATG. The 5' primer AF-80 corresponds to nt170-193 in pGEM7z and precedes the EcoR I site present in the polylinker of the vector. The 3' primer (AF-136) includes the reverse complement of nt 1-20 in CeMTl cDNA and incorporates an XbaI site at the 3'end of the amplified DNA. The amplified promoter fragment was digested with EcoRI and XbaI and then cloned into a C. elegans expression plasmid as previously described. In the resulting construct, a DNA segment that encodes beta-galactosidase preceded by the nuclear targeting sequence is positioned immediately downstream from the sequence.