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WormBase Tree Display for Construct: WBCnstr00004836

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Construction_summaryIM#97 is the plasmid construct of unc-6 genomic sequence. Transgenic animals containing pIM#97 sequence express a hemagglutinin (HA) epitope-tagged UNC-6 that is capable of rescuing unc-6 null mutants. pIM#190 was constructed by deleting the whole domain VI. To make the deletion, two fragments that introduce an EcoRI site were PCR-amplified with pIM#97 as a template. The first fragment was produced by using this primer pair: 5 -CTGTGAGAGAT-CTGGGCC-3 and T7 primer. KpnI and EcoRI cut the PCR-amplified products. The second fragment was amplified using this primer set: 5 -TCGCTGCAAATGTAATGGTC-3 and 5 -GGTACTTGTCTTTC-TTTC-3 . EcoRI and NruI cut this fragment. A 4820 bp fragment was excised with KpnI and NruI from pIM#97 and replaced with above KpnIEcoRI and EcoRINruI fragment to generate pIM#190. --precise ends.