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Person Lineage Data Submission Form

Person Lineage Data Submission Form :

WormBase would like to fully describe the professional associations between C. elegans biologists that started with Sydney Brenner and other nematologists. Please describe both those people that trained you and the people that you have subsequently trained/collaborated with.


If we can not find information on someone you have trained, we will contact you to create an entry for them.
Please type the number of connections, if you wish to make more than and click

Please enter your name :
(to update your existing lineage information)
Your Email : (e.g.
If you don't get a verification email, email us at
Your Full Name : (e.g. ``Richard Feynman'' or ``WBPerson7777777''
Please don't use titles, e.g. don't use ``Dr. Richard Feynman'')

LINEAGE CONNECTIONS WITH (Please don't use titles)
Relationship 1 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 2 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 3 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 4 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 5 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 6 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 7 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 8 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 9 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 10 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 11 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 12 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 13 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 14 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Relationship 15 : Beginning in the year Through the year
Comment :

If you have any problems, questions, or comments, please contact