Figure 7. LIN-10 and RAB-10 are localized to distinct subcellular compartments. (A) LIN-10::GFP fluorescence. (B) RFP::RAB-10 fluorescence. (C) Merged image. Most LIN-10::GFP puncta and RFP::RAB-10 puncta are distinctly localized, although a small number are adjacent (arrows). GLR-1::GFP (D and E) and RFP::RAB-10 (F and G) fluorescence in wild-type animals (D, F, and H) or
lin-10 mutants (E, G, and I) are shown separately or in merged (H and I) images. GLR-1 accumulates in large accretions in
lin-10 mutants. Most GLR-1 in these accretions does not colocalize with RFP::RAB-10. (J and K) LIN-10::GFP fluorescence from wild-type animals (J) or
rab-10 mutants (K) are shown. LIN-10 is localized to puncta in wild type and
rab-10 mutants. Bar, 5 um.